11 Simple Ways to Soothe a Fussy Baby

You’re rocking, swaying and shushing away. And nothing. Nada. Nope, your baby just isn’t having it. You’ve been there yourself — C-R-A-N-K-Y! While you can knock back a glass of pinot and suddenly your day seems much brighter, your newborn can hardly do the same. No mom should ever expect her baby to be 100 percent fuss-free; even the absolutely, positively very best babies have their diva moments. When your newborn goes from cute to crank, check out these totally simple ways to soothe your fussy baby . 1. Do a holder switch-a-roo. It’s been 45 minutes of cradling your cranky kiddo. You’re swaying, bopping and ducking, weaving back and forth and acting like a human rocking chair. But, she’s still crying. The more she cries, the more frustrated you get.